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Skinny Cheese

This just in: women who ate an ounce of full-fat cheese daily gained fewer pounds over time than their less-cheesy peers, according to a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, and reported in the December 2009 issue of Self Magazine.

So if I eat one ounce of cheese a day, I’ll lose weight? Hmmm … according to that theory, the more cheese I eat, the more weight I should lose, right? Kind of like my husband’s theory that the more often he uses the same towel out of the shower, the cleaner it should get?

I wish.

Apparently, the study says that because whole dairy contains conjugated linoleic acid, it can speed up my metabolism. So, by eating a single-ounce portion (about the size of my thumb), every day, apparently I should look like a model.

If only it were that easy. Have you ever tried to just eat one ounce of cheese? It’s literally like trying to reach in and eat a single chip from a big bag of Ruffles. Anyone who can do that is a better person than I. Meanwhile, I’ve been shipping pounds upon pounds of Wisconsin cheese left and right to friends around the country for the holidays. I don’t think I’ll include a copy of Self Magazine in my gift boxes.
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